Affecting Policy

During the first quarter of 2023, just as KBFA was being birthed, we connected with NFFC and CFA to bring Black Farmers to Washing ton DC.

During our travels we met with several Senators and House Representatives with a commitment to give a “Status of the Black Farmer” to Capital Hill.

Let’s Grow
— Anetra Polk (Owner, Woke Junk Vegan)

Cooperative Economics

2023 KDA launched LFPA (Local Food Purchasing Agreements).

LFPA’s allow food system organizers and buyers to have the opportunity to buy and engage in a variety of processes. KBFA is committed to creating cooperatives to expand Black farms and agribusiness operations in an effort to meet the needs and demands of our communities while also increasing profits!

Food & Social Justice

Systemic racism and bias are an undeniable core piece of the infrastructures we see in agriculture. It is up to us to LIBERATE and CHANGE that narrative. Food is the largest common good we share. We all eat, we all need food and products derived from food.

As we create systems of accountability, we understand that this is simply an act of correcting injustices.